Slated to begin construction in 2011, test operations are scheduled to begin in 2013. Full service is expected to begin by the end of 2014.
DesertXpress has completed and funded the work necessary to support the Environmental Impact Statement EIS conducted under the lead of the Federal Railroad Administration FRA. The EIS process was initiated with Public Scoping Meetings in July 2006. The Draft Environmental Impact Statement was issued in March 2009. Certain project modifications were made to address comments received from the public and stakeholders. In August 2010, the FRA published a supplemental Draft EIS. DesertXpress has finished a detailed market and revenue analysis and adopted a complete model for implementation and financing.
DesertXpress is working collaboratively with all levels government, including the FRA, the Surface Transportation Board STB, the Bureau of Land Management BLM, Federal Highway Administration FHWA, Nevada Department of Transportation NDOT, Caltrans, and various other government agencies and local elected officials. DesertXpress is committed to delivering a project that is a model of sound environmental planning.
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